Y Training and Consultancy

Y be SHY about the RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUAL HEALTH needs of people with a learning disability and/or autism?

Y be SHY about the RELATIONSHIPS AND SEXUAL HEALTH needs of people with a learning disability and/or autism?

Y Training is dedicated to inclusive learning about friendships, relationship and sexual safety.  We mainly provide training for people with a learning disability and/or autism, their paid supporters, related professionals, volunteers and family members

This subject that has been ignored for years, often due to fear and embarrassment. More recently self-advocates are asking for support and advice, providers are rising to the challenge of intimate relationship building and staff are recognising their need for expert training and guidance. There is also greater recognition from regulatory bodies, such as CQC, about the important role that support for positive relationships plays in enabling a good quality of life.


With this in mind, Y Training and Consultancy is here to offer to offer training and advice solutions that meet the needs of the variety of individuals, services and institutions that have a stake in addressing this essential area of wellbeing.

Training and Consultancy can assist you to overcome a natural apprehension about tackling this complex subject, by providing:

  • Assistance with writing and reviewing your sexuality and relationships policy and guidelines
  • Training and advice for staff and managers
  • Training for groups of people who use services
  • Information and workshops for family carers

Individual and couples training and support sessions


be boxed in – training resources and materials
We make and sell RSE training materials and resources. Please go to our shop 

We provide a variety of inclusive training courses, with particular expertise around including people with a learning disability and/or autism as co-trainers and participants

  • We provide training about friendships, relationships and sexuality
  • This for people who have a learning disability and or autism
  • The training is also for social care and health staff, family members and other supporters

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